The Sicilians are certainly a unique civilization, having the only military unit in the game that can make buildings and the only towers that can make a unit! This allows the villager to get back to work gathering resources whilst the Serjeants carry on building more and more Donjons. Not only that, the Serjeant, the unique unit, can actually build more Donjon’s.
The Donjon is a unique building in Age of Empires 2 as it is a tower that creates a unique unit. Upon reaching the Castle age, the Sicilian player can then unleash a flood of Serjeants on to the enemy once their economy is a bit bigger.
This Donjon Rush build order allows you to rush your opponent in the Feudal Age, surround them with Donjon’s and create Serjeants to harass their economy further. The Donjon rush build order is essentially a modified version of the generic 18 population tower rush build order however this advances at 20 population as you need more villagers on stone due to the higher cost of the Donjon. The AOE2 Donjon Rush with the Sicilians was the first build order that I developed following the release of the Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition – Lords Of The West DLC.